Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday- the weekend report

Today we went to the relatively-pricey Loblaws, instead of our usual, realtively-cheaper Food Basics, but we prefer the fresh fish selection at Loblaws and tilapia was on the menu!
(My husband and I have become semi reliable at meal planning for the week and shopping according to the plan. The major downfall tends to be me and my unreasonable sweet tooth-- every time.)

We spent $84.00, and I want to stick to a weekly grocery budget of $80, so I will be trying to make it through the week without additional food spending.

In fun and exciting car repair news, only days after repairing my truck, we realised that someone had ripped the plate and plate holder right off the front of my husband's car. Sigh.
Just when you thought it was safe to put away the wallet... at least as far as car repairs go. The husband will be going by a parking lot where we parked this weekend to search for the plate, and (fortunately?) we've got to head over to the MTO to renew the plate stickers this month anyway- might as well get some shiny new plates while we're there.

Hopefully this won't run us more than $50 or so... but I guess that's what emergency funds are for.

I managed to throw another few dollars at my travel and TFSA/emergency fund savings accounts, and I've still got a nice $300 cushion in the chequing account heading to Tuesday's payday, so the finances are generally in good shape for March.
Knock on wood. :)

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